Bloggety Blah Blog
Lalalalalalala...I can't HEAR you!
Thursday, June 22, 2006
No sooner said
Mama. That's right. After having written that last blog entry yesterday, Scooby said the magic word. She was standing at the base of the chair I was sitting in and wanting up. I said "Mama?", she nodded her head and repeated, "Mama". Just like that.

Perhaps if I write about it in my blog, it will be so! Yeah, if only that were true.

"My husband is a prince, my husband is a prince, my husband is a prince..."

I'll let you know how that turns out.

*Tip: Holding your breath for extended periods of time may lead to brain damage. Don't do it.
posted by *******DIANE******* @ 8:25 AM   1 comments
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Mama, you're my everything
My youngest, Scooby, is definitely a mama's girl. Wherever I am, that's where she wants to be. Particularly since I carry around the milk jugs on the front of my body. Yes, that's right, I'm still nursing her at 14 months, a day I never thought I'd see. And I can't say right now if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

But as important as I obviously am to this small child, she refuses to say my name. "Thank you" - check. "Yeah" - check. Siblings names - check. "Mama" - no fucking way. She's not a stupid baby. She's just stubborn as all hell. I can even get her on a roll repeating the things I say. We're working on "more" and "out" (of the high chair) for example, but when I roll around to Mama, she starts looking at other things in the room and pretending that we weren't just having a conversation right now.

Little shit.

I should start withholding the boob until she acts right. But, of course, that doesn't even work on her father, so I'm probably best to not go there.
posted by *******DIANE******* @ 11:53 AM   0 comments
When thanks is not enough
Stanky is big on prayers. Many a night our dinner is parlayed while we wait for Stank to pray over our meal. Tonight's prayer was not unique, by any means.

Stanky: "Dear God, thank you for our food tonight. I love you. You are sooo sweet and nice and kind. Thank you for all of your kindness. Amen."

In keeping with the theory that God is a man, it always helps to boost that ego when saying ones dinner prayers, wouldn't you agree?
posted by *******DIANE******* @ 12:23 AM   0 comments
Monday, June 19, 2006
Off to an incredible start
Ok, that's a bit of an embellishment. I'm not exactly bursting with new blogging material. But, I swear, I am going to try my level best to put up a consistent, if not entertaining, blog this time. Really.

The fact that I am regularly attending the gym again should lead to some good blog fodder, if nothing else. And the children in my life are a constant source of entertainment. It's only fair that I share.

And, listen up folks, I am a huge, HUGE reality tv fan. Is there any better snark material available in the world today than reality tv? Current political leaders aside.

I'll be back when I have something interesting to say. Or tomorrow. Whichever comes first.
posted by *******DIANE******* @ 12:56 PM   0 comments
Testing, testing
This is a random, sample post. More fascinating verbage to follow. /test
posted by *******DIANE******* @ 12:01 PM   0 comments
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About Me

Name: *******DIANE*******
Home: California
About Me:100 Things
Email Me: HERE
See my complete profile

Pokeboy = 15 y/o son
Queenie = 11 y/o daughter
Stanky = 6 y/o daughter
Scooby = 2 y/o daughter
Bookem = STB Ex-Husband
Moody = 16 y/o step-daughter
Pinky = 5 lb furball
Java = Boxer-mix rescue

Previous Posts

"When I was growing up, I always wanted to be someone. Now I realize I should have been more specific." -Lily Tomlin

"Men stumble over the truth from time to time, but most pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing happened." -Winston Churchill

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