Bloggety Blah Blog
Lalalalalalala...I can't HEAR you!
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
The fun just never ends
I have no hot water. Since Monday night. And my cell phone is disconnected again.

The hot water situation came to light Monday evening when Queenie and Stanky wanted to take a shower. The water just ran and ran and never heated up. After a short panic, I decided it could just be the pilot light on the water heater. So, I called PG&E and arranged for them to come out Tuesday. Of course, all they had was an all day appointment, so I had to miss work and ended up waiting until 2:30 p.m. for them to show up. And, of course, it was more complicated than just the pilot light. Something needs to be replaced. Not the whole water heater, but still. I shudder to think how long it could be before I get a hot shower in my own damn house. My hair hasn’t been washed since Saturday. Gross.

And the cell phone situation…well that just has me at the edge of my sanity. My cell has been shut off 4 times (4 TIMES) since Bookem moved out in October. See, we share a family plan (the two of us and Pokeboy). It’s the one bill we still share. Of course, share = I pay it and it’s in his name. My phone is the one of the three that is still under contract, so I have considered myself stuck. Anyway, at the end of September, Bookem’s work cell broke and he was forced to use his personal phone, which he normally clocks 30 minutes or less per month on, for business purposes. In addition to sucking up most the 1,000 shared minutes on our plan, he used an additional 1,200 minutes. Yeah. Nearly a $600 bill. Needless to say, it was his companies responsibility to pay the bill.

T-Mobile cut me off at the end of October, before the billing cycle was even over, because they were so freaked out by the overage. That pissed me off totally. They wanted me to pay the bill and the bill wasn’t even out yet. Of course, the company wouldn’t pay until they saw the bill. Grrrrr. I finally spoke to someone with some sense and got myself back on. Once the bill came out, the company mailed a check immediately. Two weeks later, T-Mobile said they still hadn’t received it and cut me off again. We got the B’s company to call in with a check by phone and all was good again. Until that check got returned by the bank! So I was cut off AGAIN. Pissed doesn’t begin to describe my mood at that point. And Bookem was being far from proactive because, frankly, it wasn’t affecting him. Finally, the company called again, and this time paid with a credit card, including an additional $106 to cover fees resulting from all this nonsense. That was mid-December.

So Monday, we’re pulling out of the driveway and Pokeboy tried to use his phone only to find out it was disconnected again. I knew I paid my bill, so I was livid. Turns out, the $106 extra dollars? Was rejected by the company's bank. Talking to T-Mobile is like talking to someone in the psych ward. Their records are completely screwed up. I don’t know what is what, but I am ready to say Fuck T-Mobile and take the $200 early termination hit just to be done with it.

Also, I just realized my car registration is due and I need a smog this time around.

I am just so fed up. I mean, seriously, of things going wrong. I can’t stand it anymore. What did I do to deserve this shit storm? Maybe there really are karmic repercussions for not forwarding all those chain emails. Maybe I was a mass murderer in a past life.

Will my luck ever change? Will my optimism be able to stand in the face of all this misfortune? Stay tuned.
posted by *******DIANE******* @ 8:40 AM  
  • At 9:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    AAAAAAAAAAAARGH! Christ in a cannoli, you need a break!

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Name: *******DIANE*******
Home: California
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Pokeboy = 15 y/o son
Queenie = 11 y/o daughter
Stanky = 6 y/o daughter
Scooby = 2 y/o daughter
Bookem = STB Ex-Husband
Moody = 16 y/o step-daughter
Pinky = 5 lb furball
Java = Boxer-mix rescue

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