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Lalalalalalala...I can't HEAR you!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
It was happy after all
As it turned out, I had one of the best birthdays I've had in a very, very long time.

My dad took my mom and I out for a nice teppan-yaki lunch. At the last minute, he invited along my best friend without telling me. THAT was awesome. Particularly since she and I don't get very much adult time together. My mom got me a wireless adapter for my TIVO, which I had requested at Christmas time and didn't get. My best friend gave me my favorite lotion, which I was almost out of at home.

Just before I had left for lunch, my dad's ex-wife brought me a bunch of balloons and a little gift from herself and my brother and sister. That was really nice. I haven't received a balloon bouquet since I was a teenager probably.

When I pulled up to my driveway after work, there was my dad again, delivering a super-huge helium balloon and a birthday cake for me and the kids to share. The night before my birthday, he had picked up the three older kids and taken them shopping to get me a couple of gifts. That was really nice because I knew they were going to feel really bad about not having something for me. Even though their own father never took them shopping for me even when we were together.

Then, when I went to get the little girls from the babysitters house, the babysitter had baked a cake with Stanky to give me. Soooo sweet.

When I checked my mail, there was a card from my aunt (the same aunt who came over Sunday evening with a trunk full of groceries for me and the kids) with a Starbucks gift card in it.

I ended up ordering pizza for dinner because Scooby was still so sick, there was no way she was going to let me stand in the kitchen and cook any kind of dinner. While we waited for the delivery, we opened my presents. A cool pedometer (Queenie's idea since she keeps hearing me say I want to start a walking program) and a CAR STEREO!

I am so stoked. I haven't had music in the car for about 6 weeks - ever since my brother had to disconnect my battery to clean the corrosion off my connectors or something. Honda apparently has some assinine security feature on their stock radios where, once they have been disconnected from the power source, you have to input a code to get the radio back on again. To get the code, you need the serial number from the back of the radio. Having no music in my car gives me entirely to much time to think about shit. Hopefully, the radio will get installed sometime soon. Right now it's sitting on my living room couch.

So see? A good birthday despite barfing babies. To give some perspective, last year's birthday involved a husband who didn't even remember to say "Happy Birthday" and kids who had no options but to hand make some cards with crayons and copy paper. Which I thoroughly appreciated, but made them feel bad. Tomorrow, I'll post the text that Queenie wrote on her card for me this year. It's really special. I wish I had a scanner.
posted by *******DIANE******* @ 9:34 AM  
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Name: *******DIANE*******
Home: California
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Pokeboy = 15 y/o son
Queenie = 11 y/o daughter
Stanky = 6 y/o daughter
Scooby = 2 y/o daughter
Bookem = STB Ex-Husband
Moody = 16 y/o step-daughter
Pinky = 5 lb furball
Java = Boxer-mix rescue

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"When I was growing up, I always wanted to be someone. Now I realize I should have been more specific." -Lily Tomlin

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