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Monday, July 31, 2006
Random thoughts on men
What is it with men and motorcycles anyway? They seem inevitably drawn to motorcycles like moths to a flame. I'm not saying all men, because I hate to generalize, but damn near all of them in my experience. If they don't own one, they want to. At the very least, they stare longingly at every one that drives by. When riding, the riders silently nod to one another like they are in some secret brotherhood or something. "I love bikes and so do you. In solidarity, brother." I mean, I like motorcycles and the feeling of wind in my face as we glide down the street. I get that. But we are talking about an almost "lusty" relationship between men and motorcycles. I'm thinking it's a dick thing. What else could it be?

Why do they think farting is cute? I honestly don't get this one either. Again, I can't generalize, because my dad thinks breaking wind is downright gross. But most guys seem fascinated and amused by their own flatulence. And think we are equally so.

Why do they seem to always notice me when I look like crap? This one really boggles my mind. I don't exactly look like "crap" today, but I'm certainly not looking special. And yet a countless number of men stared into my car this morning like they were sex-starved prisoners and I was the first woman they'd seen in years. I seriously felt like pulling over and seeing if there was a sign on the back of my car that said, "Smile for a free ride" or something. I wish I could say it picked up my self esteem, but I'm still feeling rather pudgy and uncute this afternoon.
posted by *******DIANE******* @ 2:12 PM  
  • At 9:38 AM, Blogger Kimberly said…

    The motorcylce thing? So true. I have no idea what that's about either.

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Name: *******DIANE*******
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Pokeboy = 15 y/o son
Queenie = 11 y/o daughter
Stanky = 6 y/o daughter
Scooby = 2 y/o daughter
Bookem = STB Ex-Husband
Moody = 16 y/o step-daughter
Pinky = 5 lb furball
Java = Boxer-mix rescue

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"When I was growing up, I always wanted to be someone. Now I realize I should have been more specific." -Lily Tomlin

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